On Saturday 17 June, Education Runway was invited to participate in the Charity Market in Bussum. A total of 14 organizations participated in this annual event which had not taken place for a few years due to Corona. Conversations took place with interested people and our Eritrean friend Shishay provided a traditional coffee ceremony, called the “Buna”. Board members Evelyn and Mihreteab, helped by Ellen, made a great promotion for our Foundation.
Annual Wine-tasting Education Runway hosted by Sociëteit De Unie
In November 2022 Sociëteit De Unie in Hilversum hosted the annual wine-tasting/fundraiser for Education Runway. A total of 40 wine-lovers were able to enjoy a fabulous dinner, taken care of by Erik Westra and his cuisine-equippe. The accompanying wines (8 in total) were provided by Wijnimport J. Bart and under the leadership of Erwin van den Bosch a lot of knowledge about production, taste, terroir etc. of the various wines was shared. Through the generous financial support of both Sociëteit De Unie as well as ABN AMRO we were able to raise € 3.600 for Education Runway.
In 2023 we will also be able to organize our 10 th Education Runway wine-tasting event at Sociëteit
De Unie. Date 16 November 2023.
Bottle deposit receipts raise € 375!
At the initiative of Michiel, Education Runway was able to organize a collection of bottle deposit receipts at the AH Supermarket in Driebergen during the Summer of 2022. Even though the collection was done in the midst of the Summer holidays, it raised € 375.
We thank the public shopping at AH wholeheartedly for their contribution!
Yura de Jong, a high school pupil from Zeist, decided that his social project would focus on a Geo-coin to introduce more people to Education Runway. This geo-coin is used for the so-called geo-treasure where participants search, via digital information, for a “treasure” and then have to hide it in another location. In this way the treasure goes on a journey and more people get to know Education Runway.
Due to the fact that large get-togethers of people were not allowed under Corona
restrictions, we organized a digital wine-tasting event in 2020. And what happened? We had a record number of participants; 50 wine-lovers! Led by Erwin van den Bosch of Wijnimport J. Bart with a captivating presentation from the winemaker Pierre Wahl of Rijk’s Winery of Tulbagh, South Africa, we had a really successful evening. Also due to the financial support of the ABNAMRO Bank we achieved an excellent financial result: €2400!.
For the third year in a row Education Runway was invited to present our foundation during the “Goede Doelen” market (Charity Event) which focusses on worthwhile causes and activities at the Roland Holst College in Hilversum. It took place on 25 th September 2020. Despite the restrictions due to Corona, Judith and Michiel were able to encourage 12 pupils to do their best to collect money for our students in Africa. Unfortunately, the presentation planned for February 2021 couldn’t go ahead due to stringent Corona rules but we very much appreciate all the pupils who really did their best and managed to collect 258 euros! Huge thanks and we look forward to participating again in 2021.
Annual wine-tasting at ABNAMRO
On 8 th November 2019 the annual wine-tasting once again took place at ABNAMRO. This year the wine-tasting, once again under the captivating leadership of Johan Snethlage on behalf of Bart Wijnimport, was held at the ABNAMRO in Hilversum. There was a good attendance, a really enjoyable evening and again a great contribution of over €2000. Our thanks to ABNAMRO once more for their hospitality and support.
MBB in Maarsen celebrates 60 years!
Via via kwam Judith in contact met het bouwbedrijf MBB uit Maarssen. Directeur Stephan Bon vroeg haar of zij als reisleidster wilde optreden voor een bedrijfstrip voor het personeel vanwege het 60-jarig bestaan van MBB. Judith deed dit graag en vroeg als ‘honorarium’ en gift voor Stichting Education Runway. Stephan bedacht het mooie bedrag van € 1.959, zijnde het jaar van oprichting van MBB. Daarnaast vroeg MBB haar relaties, indien zij een verjaardagscadeautje wilde geven dit in de vorm van een gift aan Education Runway te doen. Dit leverde ook nog eens ruim € 1.400 op. MMB Van Harte Gefeliciteerd maar zeker ook Hartelijk Bedankt voor jullie ondersteuning.
Once again on 17 th October 2019 Education Runway was present at the Roland Holst
College in Hilversum for the Charity Fair (goede doelen markt) for all pupils transitioning to the next year. Judith and Michiel encouraged enthusiastic support from the school children to collect donations for our Foundation. 3 boys; Joris, Tijmen and Wynn, sold cup-cakes which contributed a donation of €79 for us. A great achievement from the three of them.

DAM to DAM run 2019
On 21 st September Jacqueline Sweerts from Bussum (who is also a friend of Education Runway) participated in the Dam to Dam run which goes from Amsterdam to Zaandam. In support of these efforts she set up a donation page with the goal of collecting money for Education Runway. Who would ever have thought that she would collect some € 1.850. Thank you so much Jacqueline, on behalf of our students in Africa.
Education Runway weer tijdens Bussum Cultureel actief
Op 7 september deed Education Runway (Sonja en Joost) weer mee met de boekenverkoop tijdens Bussum Cultureel maar ook dit jaar stond de inspanning helaas niet in verhouding tot de opbrengsten. Het kost bijna 3 dagen werk om de boeken te sorteren, te verkopen en op te ruimen. De opbrengst dit jaar was € 150.
Goede Doelen Markt Gooise Meren
Op 15 juni 2019 namen Judith en Evelyn namens Stichting Education Runway deel aan de

‘Gooise Goede Doelenmarkt’ in Bussum. Dit evenement werd voor het eerst in het centrum georganiseerd en omlijst door muziek. Wij hadden Felomen uit Gambia bereid gevonden sambusa’s en loempiaatjes te verkopen voor onze stichting en zij wist samen met ons, maar vooral haar hapjes en enthousiasme leuke geïnteresseerde mensen te trekken voor onze stichting. Zelfs de burgemeester van Gooise Meren bezocht de kraam en informeerde naar onze activiteiten, ondertussen genietend van een sambusa.
In October 2018 Michiel and Joost were invited
to attend the Charity Fair (goede
doelen markt) at the Roland Holst College in Hilversum. Some 250 pupils in transition to high school attended the event. There were 12 charities/good causes represented and the pupils had to select which one they wanted to support and for whom they would collect money. On 13 th February 2019 it was announced that the pupils who selected Education Runway as their “worthy cause” had collected €460. A really fantastic result that we very much appreciate!
5 th WINE TASTING at ABNAMRO once again a great success
De 5e wijnproeverij in november 2018 die we weer met en bij de ABN AMRO Bank in Bussum mochten organiseren was een daverend succes. Op deze avond waar onder leiding van wijnmeester Johan Snethlage van de fa. Bart Wijninkopers 13 verschillende wijnen werden geproefd en verkocht, werd maar liefst ca. € 2.000 opgehaald voor Education Runway. Op naar de 6e editie welke gehouden zal worden op vrijdagavond 8 november 2019. We danken alle aanwezigen en natuurlijk de ABN AMRO en de fa. Bart van harte.
OBS Goudenregen (primary school) doesn’t promise heaps of gold
But actually delivers them! All the primary school pupils in the groups 1-8 did their
utmost from 2016-2018 to collect as much as they could for Kenyan student Odiwuor Oyier, whom we call Odi. The donation made it possible for him to complete his studies to become a primary school teacher. After all the students had already collected €1.180 during 2016-2017 for Emelda Otieno from Kenya to finance her studies, the school and the pupils decided to get to work in support of Odi too. During the Christmas market in December 2017 the children raised money from, amongst other activities, making their own Christmas decorations and collected €700. In January 2018 Michiel and Joost made a film with the pupils singing Jambo Bwane and they sent the film to Odi in Kenya. The project with the Goudenregen school was completed in June 2018 and during the 2 years of activities they raised a total of €2400.

Boekenverkoop tijdens Bussum Cultureel verregend in 2017 maar geslaagd in 2018
Isabella, Sonja en Joost stonden in september 2017 voor het derde achtereenvolgende jaar tijdens Bussum Cultureel met een kraam vol boeken geld op te halen voor Education Runway. Waar deze fondsenwerving in de 2 voorgaande jaren zo succesvol was geweest, was het nu helaas zulk slecht weer dat de meeste potentiële bezoekers thuisbleven. De opbrengst was een magere € 106 voor Education Runway. In 2018 was het weer een stuk beter en hebben Sonja en Joost weer een mooie dag gehad en € 256 opgehaald!
Education Runway selling at the flea market
On a cold Sunday in March 2017 Evelyn and Annoek were up early to attend the flea market in Huizen which has items on sale to support charity organizations. They not only proved themselves to be really good market traders but delivered a great result too. They collected some €185 for the various projects that Education Runway supports.