In Malawi Education Runway provides funds for young people at a Teacher Training College. Between 2012 and 2017, we have trained 2 young ladies to become elementary schoolteachers.
Foundation Education Runway trains primary school teachers in Malawi
Between 2012 and 2014 Education Runway paid for the two and a half year training of Mary Madisa at the DAPP in Blantyre, Malawi. Mary is a born Malawian and joined the Congregation of the “Sisters of Our Lady” in June 2010. In Summer of 2014 she successfully passed her exams and apprenticeships and after working in Mulanje at first, and in 2017 started teaching in Bangula, South of Blantyre. But as of February 2018 Mary went back to University for a 4-year academic English education and as we currently is doing very well in her second year at University.

In June 2017 Agnes Folley graduated as a Primary Schoolteacher from the Emmanuel Teacher Training College in Lilongwe and and now teaches
at the primary school in Bangula, taking the place of Mary Madisa. The candidate we were going to sponsor in 2017/18 has now chosen to become a nurse and we are currently in the selection process for a new student to start in 2018.What are the costs of an education? You will be amazed about the costs and of the fact that you can achieve so much with so little! Foundation Education Runway finances the total training and can do so for an amount of MKW 1.200.000, which equals approximately € 1.400. This amount also covers the health Insurance, lodging and food of the student.
Dan Peter Dunga being supported as of his second year.
We are now (2019/20) suppporting Dan Peter Dunga, who is in his second year at Teacher Training College in Blantyre,
but found himself left without any funds. So Education Runway decided to start supporting him to help realize his dream
of becoming a teacher.
As of the school year 2022/23 Education Runway will be supporting Sr. Judith Mwandama. She will continue in her 3rd year Geography and Special Needs aimed at teaching handicapped children and she studies at the same University as Sr. Mary Madise. The fact that we only now start supporting her now lies in the fact that her former sponsor no longer can support her.Sr.Mary Madise has submitted and defended her dissertation recently with success and the graduation ceremony is due in September.Because of the fact that the Malawian government does not foresee to employ newly trained teachers in about 3 to 4 years, she has decided not to organize any admission exams for teacher training colleges this Spring. This means that, with the graduation of Gift Foley this Summer, we cannot let new students start this year. We are therefore happy that we have been able to identify 3 needy students who are about to finish their 3-year education but lack the funds to take part in the final exams. We are very happy that we can support these 3 young people -Enelesi Walasi, Tiyanjane Banda and Isaac Matiyasi- to get them the reward of 3 years hard study at the Blantyre Teacher Training College.