Following the success of the pilot for setting up a pre-school in Timoonaayili, Partnership Ghana (PG) decided to extend this to 3 communities [Continue Reading]

Following the success of the pilot for setting up a pre-school in Timoonaayili, Partnership Ghana (PG) decided to extend this to 3 communities [Continue Reading]
Via the Medische Missie Zusters in Utrecht, Education Runway supports youngsters from Ang'iya Village, Kenya since 2012. Between 2012 and 2014 Philip [Continue Reading]
In Malawi Education Runway provides funds for young people at a Teacher Training College. Between 2012 and 2017, we have trained 2 young ladies to [Continue Reading]
During their holiday in Ethiopia in 2014 Evelyn and Joost met two young men, Yohanes and Muluye. Both men work as tour guides since completing their [Continue Reading]