Currently we support the following projects:
- After Mary Madise in Blantyre, Malawi finished her training to become primary school teacher in Summer 2014, she found herself working in Mulanje at first and now teaches in the small community of Bangula, also South of Blantyre. But as of January 2018 Mary is going back to University for a 4-year English academic education.
In June 2017 Agnes Foley graduated from as a Primary School Teacher and she is now teaching at the primary school in Bangula, taking the place of Mary Madisa. - Following our support of educating 25 women in Ghana to become bee-keepers in 2012, we then started paying for the education of women for “pre-school support”. In 3 different communities in the Tamale district -currently without schools- 30 women were trained to give basic education to children up to the age of 8 years. Training was finished by Summer 2016.
Education runway was now able to start supporting Mariam Pumaya Yussif and Ziblim Falilatu while being trained as teachers. - Prossy Namuwonge of Uganda finished her education to become a primary school teacher successfully in 2014. At this point in time we unfortunately have no other candidate for sponsoring in sight in Uganda.
- We are very happy with the successes in Kenya. From 2012 to 2014 we supported 4 students who all successfully finalized their vocational training. Hence, we were able to continue our support to have 4 new students who all graduated in June 2016. Unfortunately Bernard Omondi died of tuberculosis only days after his final exam; he was the hope for his family and community.
We are now supporting two 2 new students, Emelda Lando en Odiwuor Oyier, both being trained as primary school teachers.
Goudenregenschool in Hilversum decided to ‘financially adopt’ both Emelda and Odiwuor and since the start of their project in November 2016 they already raised close to € 2.000 (status January 2018) for her studies! - 26-Year old Asefu Getu (f) studies mathematics whereas 24-year old Ermiyas Yilma (m) have graduated in June 2017 from their 3-year university education. As per September ’17 Education Runway supports Anguach Kassa and Asmamaw Abate studying Mathematics and Physics respectively.
Following the success of the pilot for setting up a pre-school in Timoonaayili, Partnership Ghana (PG) decided to extend this to 3 communities currently without a school. The project covered the 3 small villages of Yemo, Vogu and Tignaayili located in the Tamale district. During school year 2014-2015-2016 30 women were trained to provide education, at a pre-school in a location that has no school, to children up to the age of 8 years.
PG approached Education Runway for funding of the training for these 30 women. The pre-school is particularly important because children learn more quickly at a young age and so will be introduced to a more participative form of education, contrary to the more traditional education system where the focus is on constant listening and simple repetition of content. Encouraging children to participate and actively educating them helps to improve their school results and their self-confidence. This in turn helps children and adolescents to develop their learning and to shape their own future. Eventually the pre-school will need to be transfered to "government approved education".
By supporting this training we will soon be able to provide education to 100 children in each community (300 in total). Education Runway's funding of the entire training programme for the women is at a cost of €3.800 spread across 2014, 2015 and 2016. The funding covered 4 lecturers per community to train 10 women. The costs for 2014 were €310 per community ( €930 in total ) and in 2015: €368 per community (€1104 in total). In addition we funded the costs associated with materials and activities for the training, a total of €1780.
Due to the vast success of these projects, the local governement decided to take care of the projects and their funding themselves. Education Runway is investiging possible new projects in Ghana in 2017.'
In Ghana Falilatu Ziblim and Mariam Pumaya Yussif, who have started their education at a Teachers Training College in September 2017 have finished their theoratical training and are currently doing their apprenticeships in Tamale and in this Letter Mariam expresses her gratitude also on behalf of Falilatu. We have 3 new (female) candidates to start their education in September 2019 and are in anticipation of the required budgets to approve.
Foundation Education Runway trains primary school teachers in Malawi
Between 2012 and 2014 Education Runway has paid for the 2 1/2 year education of Mary at the DAPP in Blantyre, Malawi to become primary school teacher.
Mary is a born Malawian and joined the Order of "Sisters of Our Lady" in 2010.
In the Summer of 2014 she successfully passed her exams and completed her apprenticeships and now works as a teacher in Bangula. Before her education to become teacher she worked as a homework-coach at "Jacaranda Children's Home", an orphanage in Blantyre.
In June 2017 Agnes Foley graduated after her 2-year training from Emmanuel Teacher Training College in Lilongwe. Agnes started teaching at the primary school Bangula as of January 2018, taking the place of Mary Madisa who is going back to Universitiy for a 4-year English education. Currently Agnes Foley is teaching in Nkhotakota District in Central Malawi.
Meanwhile Education Runway is supporting Dan Peter Dunga in his last year at Teachers Training College in Blantyre.
What are the costs of the education?
You will be amazed to learn that with very limited funds you can already achieve great things. Education Runway finances the entire training of 2 years for about MKW 200.000, which equals € 1.350. With this amount we can also cover the health insurance, the lodging and the food of a future student.
Via the "Medical Mission Sisters" in Uthrecht, Netherlands, Education Runway has been supporting young people
form the Ang'iya Village in Kenya since 2012. Between 2012 and 2014 Philip Osindo, Richard Otieno, Benta Oguta
and Ohieng Odhiamo received their 2 year vocational training. And between 2014 and 2016 Pauline Wakoli, Calvince Opiyo, Lawrence Achieng and Bernard Omondi were all trained to become primary school teachers. All passed their exams well. Unfortunately Bernard Omondi died of tuberculosis only weeks after his final exams.Bernard was the hope for his family and community.
As of the school year 2016/17 Emelda Otieno and Odiwuor Oyier have started their 2-year training to become primary school teachers. They hope to be able to teach as of Summer 2018.
Beneath the information about our previous students.

Emelda Otieno is a young Kenyan woman who lives in Migori in the Southwest part of Kenya, near Lake Victoria. Migori is a town in the district of Nyanza and the capital of the district. Migori is situated 50 kms south of Kisii and 20 kms north of the Tanzanian border.The city counts 31.644 inhabitants. Emelda is half-orphan and is 22 years of age. She very much wishes to support her mother with the care of her siblings. The 'Goudenregenschool' in Hilversum, Netherlands ( started a schoolproject in November 2016 to raise money to pay for Emelda's education. The theme of this fundraising project is: "Will Emelda become a teacher in Kenya?".

Odiwuor Oyier is a young man of 21 years of age from a very small community northwest of Migori, where Emelda lives. Odiwuor too started in September 2016 with his 2-year training to become primary school teacher. It would be grand if we could find a Dutch school acting as sponsor for him as well!Next to these two students we have decided also to support the studies of Sister Goudencia Wanyonyi in 2016. Sr. Gaudencia has been our local Kenyan contact person for many years and takes care of all communication between the students and Education Runway. We are very grateful for her help.
Odiwuor is also doing wonderfully well and getting high grades in school. See midterm reportr
(deeplink with report separately enclosed).
Due to the fact that children at the Goudenregenschool were so successful raising money for Emelda, the schoolboard decided to sponsor Education Runway for yet another year and now the kids are all saving money for Odiwuor, who in short we call ‘Odi’. At the Christmas auction in December 2017, the children and their parents raised € 725! A wonderful success!
Now that both Emelda and Odiwuor have finished their education we are happy to support Octovine Oyugi en Kennedy Ouma Ochieng.
You may find more information on Kennedy here.
Kennedy Ochieng

During their holidays in Ethiopia in 2014, Evelyn and Joost met with 2 young men, Yohanes and Muluye. Both are working as tour-guides after they were able to study with grants from Dutch families. Because they received this chance - unlike many in their country who do not get chances like these- they decided to set up a school in their hometown of Lalibela aiming to improve the level of education. The name of their school is Merci Lal School.
At this school there are 6 teachers who do have a teaching degree, however they lack the necessary skills and knowledge to improve the level of education, especially for subjects such as English, Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry.
In June 2017 both Erimyas Yilma (24) and Asefu Getu (26) graduated after their 3-year college education. Erimyas is now teaching English while Asefu is teaching Mathematics in Lalibela.
As of schoolyear 2017/18 we are happy to support 2 new students.
Anguach Kassa (f) has started her 3-year studies Mathematics at the Haramay University nabij Dire Dawa.
Asmamaw Abate (m) has started his education Physics at Dessie College of Teachers Training in the Province Wollo.
We hope will be doing great in the next 3 years to come and we will monitor them closely.

As of September 2012 Education Runway is comitted to the funding of the training of Prossy Namuwonge, a 21-year old Ugandese woman at a teachers training college. Prossy has been admitted to follow this education at the Kabukunge Primary Teachers' College in the Masaka District in Central Uganda. The capital city of Kampala is also situated in Central Unganda, however Masaka can be considered more rural. Whenever Prossy is not at school she spends most of her time with her parents and 12 siblings in her home village Kasensero in Rakai District, south of Kampala.
Approximately half of the population of Uganda is under 18 years of age (ca. 17 million children), of which the majority is either an orphan or heavily depending on third parties due to AIDS-infection, civil unrest or extreme poverty. Since government subsidies on education are lacking, larger families are facing financial barriers to give the children of Uganda proper education. Subsequently 75% of the Ugandese pupils do not finish their education or studies, yet even leave primary school due to lack of funding, marriage at young age or pregnancy.
We are happy that we have been able to offer Prossy this chance through which she may help the next generations with the knowledge she gained. Prossy passed her exams succesfully in the Summer of 2014 and is now looking for a suitable job.
By clicking on this link you may find a letter from Prossy in which she thanks her sponsor.
Education Runway joined this project via Children of Uganda. For more information, please visit